How To Deal With Summer Allergies

Allergies are the worst, right? They come unexpectedly and you can’t enjoy any season without the fear of allergies and frequent visits to an allergy physician. Summer allergies are also dreadful, and to help you identify and get rid of summer allergies, this blog will be helpful.

Summer Allergies

Summer allergies are allergies which come in the spring and summer months. They make you sneezy all the time. Here are some of the very common types of summer allergies.

Pollen Allergy

Pollen allergy is at all-time high, especially during the summer months. In spring, there are new flowers growing everywhere, which do look extremely beautiful, but beware, because they are sources of pollen. Pollen is generated during the summer months of April and May. Trees pollinate and new flowers grow. Pollen can also travel very easily. It is usually driven by wind, water and other insects.

Pollen can come in contact with your eyes, mouth and respiratory canal and can cause severe irritation and allergies. Some of the common symptoms of pollen allergies include excessive sneezing, red and irritated skin, difficulty in breathing, etc. Pollen cannot be seen by the naked eye either, so it’s very hard to stay away from it, but if you are someone who suffers from frequent allergies, then you might want to take some precautions in the summer months and take advice from your local doctor.


Molds is also a very common type of summer allergy. It is usually prevalent in damp and humid areas. As any mold would form, it nurtures itself in damp and moist environments. It is like a fungus. It is usually commonly found in the months of June and July, where the rains can dampen the environment, making it a perfect home for molds to grow. Molds can cause a lot of allergic reactions as well. People will experience watery eyes, sneezing, stuffy nose and difficulty in breathing.

Dust Mites

Summer and spring is a great time for cleaning, but do you know what comes along with the joy of cleaning your house? Dust! Dust mites can lead to a lot of irritation in a person’s nose and eyes. People can feel shortness of breath, constant sneezing, respiratory problems and a severe disliking of dust. Dust mites and allergies associated with them, are very common and it happens to a lot of people, including adults and children.

How To Protect Yourself From Summer Allergies?

Here are some things you should do, if you don’t want to end up sneezing and sniffling all summer. Here are some precautionary measures to take, in order to tackle summer allergies.

  1. Speaking of pollen, if you are allergic to pollen, then make sure you remain indoors. Keep your windows closed at all times, and keep your room ventilated by vents.
  2. If you must leave the house, and if you are allergic to pollen, make sure you cover your face and eyes with something, so that the pollen doesn’t come in contact with them.
  3. After coming back home from work, make sure you are removing all clothing from your body and putting them in the washer, as soon as you get home. Pollen can, most of the time, stick to your clothes, afterwards, it can find a way to your eyes or mouth and cause infections. You should also thoroughly wash your body as well. You don’t want any pollen to be stuck on your skin.
  4. Take prescribed allergy medications. Make sure you are seeing an allergist, if you know you are suffering from some kind of seasonal allergy. He/she will prescribe medicines, which will help to alleviate your allergies.
  5. If you can, make sure you carry your medications everywhere with you. You never know when an allergy can hit you out of the blue, and not having medicines on hand, will only make things harder. Keeping a couple of medicines in your work bag, purse or school bag, will be helpful for you, so you can tackle your allergies.

These tips and tricks will surely help to alleviate harsh summer allergies and their different kinds. If it’s severe, find allergy doctor Manassas for a quick treatment. It’s about time you enjoy a summer without the intervention of allergies.

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